Alex Martini
kneading the stress away



Is your body tight, have knots, decreased range of motion, tension from stress, and all around not the best it could be?  If you get headaches from a tight neck and stress, and have an aching back then you have come to the right place.  The modalities i use are Deep Tissue, Swedish and Mayofacial therapy.  If you want one of the styles or a combonation of them that is what i do best.

I have stong hands to help get ride of the tention, and stress from work.  It also works great for athlets and people who are physicaly active because it can help heal and prevent injury.  I am on site at Farmer Joes in Oakland.  I am aslo available for house calls. I am certified, insured and have your best interest in mind.  Help your body heal itself with holistic care.   

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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